Do you have blog-worthy experiences in southwest, opinions you would like to share, or interesting stories that we could share on this blog? Please send your article/feature to with “BLOG” in the subject line. Blog entries should not be offensive and should be age appropriate.
Please Note: If you are a student in need volunteer hours, we reward one hour of service for each blog entry. If you are even more interested in the art of writing and journalism, and you would like to volunteer to assist with our Clark Park Newsletter, please fill out our Volunteer Form. Make sure to include your interest in the newsletter in the comment section.

Activity Ideas During COVID-19
Needs ideas for fun activities while you stroll through our park, go on bike rides, or even from home? Physical activity and mental wellness are always important, even more so during times of stress. So bookmark this page and check it often as the staff from Centre Region Parks and Recreation will be adding new resources

Black Lives Matter
We are Angry The racist violence that killed George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless others, is not new to America. Systemic racism forces us to, once again, call for justice. We already know racial disparities persist in wealth, education, employment, housing, and health care. But…we must not give up hope. We stand together

Everything has brought us here
Everything has brought us here If you are reading this, you are probably familiar with Clark Park or southwest Detroit. If you aren’t familiar, then it’s not your average park and recreation center. Most parks are managed by a few people and the city within which they are run. They usually have swing sets and