Clark Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Home » Clark Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Join us in returning Clark Park back to the community.

Clark Park is one of the oldest and most used parks in Detroit- it is also arguably one of the most beloved by its community. The residents of Southwest Detroit surrounding Clark Park are careful guardians of the space. Their work has kept the park going through hard times and, in respect, neighborhood collaboration was vital to creating the blueprint for the park’s improvements. Little did anyone know when community engagement kicked off in 2019 that the entire world would soon see one of its greatest challenges yet in the Pandemic.

Much of the project’s resources had to be redirected to the City’s emergency COVID response. However, thanks to philanthropic partners like Invest Detroit, Davidson Foundation, and Kresge Foundation, additional funding was secured to proceed with construction. The Gordie Howe International Bridge Community Benefits Plan provided outdoor fitness equipment and an upcoming zipline was funded by the Gilbert Family Foundation. Clark Park is a shining example of what Detroiters can do when they work together.

Indeed, that sense of togetherness made its way into the design of the park improvements. The playground at Clark Park is one of the most inclusive in Detroit. The space was designed to be safe and accessible, but most of all fun! Colorful sports courts round out the lively design of the new play area as well as more spots to enjoy the park with family and friends.

The community has been waiting for this event with great anticipation. Come take part in the excitement! We hope you’ll agree that it was worth the wait. 

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